
Horimiya Manga

Horimiya is a popular Japanese shōnen web manga series that has captured the hearts of many manga fans worldwide. The series, written and illustrated by HERO, follows the story of high school students Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura, who are seemingly polar opposites but become friends and discover hidden sides of themselves. For those interested in reading Horimiya, the manga is available to read online on various websites, including horimiyaonline.com, which provides an English version of the manga in high quality. With its relatable characters, heartwarming story, and beautiful artwork, Horimiya manga has become a favorite among manga readers, and it’s no surprise that many are eager to read and enjoy this captivating series.

Horimiya Manga

Although admired at school for her amiability and academic prowess, high school student Kyouko Hori has been hiding another side of her. With her parents often away from home due to work, Hori has to look after her younger brother and do the housework, leaving no chance to socialize away from school.

Meanwhile, Izumi Miyamura is seen as a brooding, glasses-wearing otaku. However, in reality, he is a gentle person inept at studying. Furthermore, he has nine piercings hidden behind his long hair and a tattoo along his back and left shoulder.

By sheer chance, Hori and Miyamura cross paths outside of school—neither looking as the other expects. These seemingly opposites become friends, sharing a side they have never shown to anyone else.

Horimiya Webcomic

Read Horimiya Manga Online English Version In High-Quality At horimiyaonline.com Best website For Manga.